It’s only been a few days since I made the life-changing decision to unplug (from the matrix, that is). I still very much have NO IDEA what I’m doing but I can say that I am overflowing with love, gratitude, confirmations, affirmations and all is truly as it should be.
I haven’t told anyone that I know because I know that sharing this information will inevitably invite criticism and judgment from people who think they love me. They will believe that their opinion is coming from a genuine space, but that is far from the truth. I can hear it now. “How are you going to survive?” or “ You’re so crazy for this!” And well, what they don’t understand is that I no longer want to “survive”. I want a life of deep fulfillment. Why wouldn’t they also want a life of deep fulfillment? Truth be told, I think they’re all CRAZY for being complacent and conforming to a system that proves to be less than sustainable.
Harmonizing with the natural rhythm of life has brought on so many benefits already. I have the honor of waking up with peace in my soul, each rising. I have TIME to set the intentions for the day. Not only for myself but for my family too. I get to prepare them to walk out into a world that could care less about them as individuals and cover them with my protection and love. This gracious gift of freeing up my time has started to cleanse my mind and recalibrate my thoughts. It has sparked a fire in my intuition and the downloads and cheat codes are flooding in. I have been waiting ALL my life for this exact moment. I’M NOT KIDDING! I remember being as early as 8 or 9 years old and telling my family that I could not wait to be in my 30s. When asked why, I always said that I couldn’t explain it but that I just knew life was going to get SO GOOD. Who knew it was going to take so much heartache to get here? It was always as simple as innerstanding that when you release the idea of controlling all things, you allow your heart to open and you free up space to welcome an infinite amount of possibility. I am discovering my MAGIC 🪄🧚♀️